Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wounded Knee!

         White people were unrespectful and take the land of the Native Americans. Indians were forced to sigh a treaty which if they refused they will go to war. Also if they accept the agreement Whites will pay them for the land with money.

         Whites threatened Indians to sign a treaty in which Indians will give their land for money. The reunion they made to discuss the agreement was called the council and others were in the reservation camps in which Indians live. Whites promised Indians for their land 160 acre per family. If Indians refused the treaty they will go to war and who won will stay with all the land.

         Indians had a religious dance called The Ghost Dance. This dance was a way to celebrate the return of god. Whites found out the ritual dance of the Indians and thought it was a way in which Native Americans will fight. Whites brought their troops and say to the Indians they had to give to them all their weapons and knifes. A deaf person didn't understand and whites thought he was challenging them and started to attack. Indians didn't have time to defend themselves and they all got killed. Their were approximately twenty-five whites killed, and two-hundred Native Americans.

         Whites in exchange for the land of the Indians the promised them money, 160 acre per family. The Native Americans never saw the money since the whites never paid them. Over the years it was found that whites committed fraud against the indians by not giving them their money, then whites try to pay them but they didn't accept it.

         Therefore, Indians passed trough a lot of bad things made by white people and troops. Whites never respect the land of the Native Americans and always try to take it from them. Indians were killed in 1876, know called Bury my heart at wounded knee. 

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