Monday, April 18, 2011

10 Proposals to make a change :))

* Nicolle's proposal is very convincing because it gaves new opportunities to people that have dissabilities. Also it gives to this people a way of thinking that they are equal and deserve the same treatment as normal people.

Ivania's blog proposed a good point for the criminals. Criminals are humans and much of them paid for their actions but they still have the right to have a family.

* I agree with Carol's proposal because criminals are humans but they comitted a crime and they have to pay the consequences of it. Criminals with a good behavior doesn't mean that they change for a better person or that they didn't comit the crime iin which they are accused.

Gaby's post is very interesting because it gives opportunities of a better live for the elderly people. This persons have the right to have a normal live and be treated equally since one of these persons can be our parents or grandparents.

* Francisco's proposal is very convincing and interesting. Equality is something that all people deserves and its a right everybody has. It guarantees that people would treat you with respect and that is what leads you to a success in life.

* I agree with Mariah's proposal because every women is equal, it doesn't matter in is married, divorced or single every women has the same rights to be treated with respect.

Nestor's post is very interesting since it talks in how Africans, Muslins and other cultures have gain their respect and equality from other cultures and people with disabilities should have the same treat since they are still humans and have the right to live a normal life.

* I agree with Randy's proposal because veterans are persons that risk their life for their nation and have the right to receive a payment every month.

Carolina's blog post is interesting since a lot of years people or Native Americans have struggled to have equality like white people. I agree with her because it doens't matter if you are black or white you are still made of the same thing.

* I like Karlitza's post because it states all the right elderly people have and that they are capable of choosing their own decisions.

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