Monday, April 11, 2011

Scholarships for all the students of the University of Puerto Rico

In oder for the government get benefits from the $800.00 dollars students have to pay every semester they have to give more method of helps for them. I Bianca Alvarez proposed a new scholarship that will help the students to pay on time. This scholarship will be approved for all the students of the university, for every person they will be a certain amount of money for the scholarship.

The scholarship will have a certain amount of money for every student base on the incomes of every person. This will benefit every student and also will benefit the government since they will have the payments on time. This money will come from private donations in which rich people will create a system of scholarphips for the students.Also this   scholarship will be given to the students every semester of classes. It is important to know that every student of the University of Puerto Rico will receive this scholarship depending on their incomes. If you my students vote for this amendment it will be approved rapidly for the first semester is coming. Remember is for the benefit of you my students and it will be done fairly for every person in the university.

This amendment will benefit all students and the government since we want to use this money for the benefit of the economical crisis the island is passing through. I'm counting with your vote to make a change and create peace between the government and the students, also to help you students to continue studying in the University of Puerto Rico.

UPR united we will win!

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