Friday, February 18, 2011

Learning w/ other Blogs!

   Nicolle's blog is interesting. I found many facts I did't know about Italains immigrating to the Unites States. I learn that also Italians immigrate because they live in overcrowded cities. At first there were little Italian immigrants in America but after few years that they started to look for better opportunities, America was overcrowded with italian immigrants. I recommend you guys my friend blog you will find also a lot of  information and important details about Italians immigrating to the United States.

  Also I recommend you the blog of Gabriela's is full of information of recent cases of immigration that are happening in the world. It is sad to know that a police can detain you or deport you back or also register you for looking illegal or not an American person. What is happening in Arizona is sad, people are being discrimanted only for not being American and treated as strange people that could hurt somebody. In my opinion the government should be more flexible and start thinking about them being in that position.

  It was amazing to learn that I have a friend that comes from many decendants like Indian, African, American, Portuguese, and Slovakian. Is cool to know that your family has many traits mix together. Also In Paola's blog I found how people view illegal immigration. Is sad to know people do not like to interact with immigrants just for not being American and for immigrating with illegal methods.

  In Willie's blog I found how Chinesse immigrated to America. Chinesse also immigrated for better opportunities for their families. Also I learn that they travel by foot, boat and trains. After entering to the United Sates they has to pass through an intense registration in Angel Island and there it was decided if they could enter or not. It is surprising to know that if you do not answer in a correct way you were deported back to your country.  :/

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My family immigration heritage :D

My descendants come from many parts of the world. My dads family originally came from spain, also my second name comes from spain and is an arabic term meaning having control of the situation. The mother of my grandfather from the part of dad was from Spain she married a Puerto Rican guy who was the dad of my grandfather. She came from her country for better opportunities since she lived in a poor city in Spain. Now in my dad family their is traits of spanish people and also my grand-grandfather after making his life in P.R he settle in California with my grand-grandmother and they had american sons. In the part of my mother their is spanish blood and also american. 

Is interesting to know how big your family have grown and knowing that all are not from the same country as you. I will like to meet all my relatives and get to know their story. Also I will like to move to other country and make my life there for better opportunities and for mixing our traits too. :))

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wanting to enter the U.S!

Immigration is one of the biggest issues of the hole world especially in United States. People decide to migrate to America for better economical opportunities and for the american dream. It is sad to know how much this people  need to pass through to become an american citizen, and that they do not have money to afford it in the legal way. Also they migrate knowing that they could be kill or be deported back to their country. In these days people do not go legally because the government has increased the prices of legal immigration. I think the government should take in consideration the people that do not have that money to afford this and make a type of payment they can afford. Also the police needs to be more respectful with the people and treat them more kindly because they are also human beings.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Entering to the U.S!

      During the 1800's life for Italians families was very difficult. People migrated to the United States for better job opportunities, one example of this is my family. Our life's in Italy was very difficult we lived in very poor conditions. In my house were my mom, dad, two brothers and me. We decided to immigrate to the U.S in January 12,1850, for better economical opportunities but it was going to be illegally, since we could not afford the process of entering in the correct way.
      Entering to the United States was difficult in those days you had to pass through the intense registration of the police, discrimination and also adapting to a new language. In January 15,1850, we passing through the police, it was very scary they ask us a lot of things in which we had to answer that we would only go to visit our father that was our excuse to enter the U.S. Dad say he was also our brother and that we were desperate to see dad.We pass through a lot of registration and also our bags were not permitted to enter with us just for being from Italy.
      When we finally could enter, in January 17 three days later, since that day we had lived in New York with my uncle Gaspare.My uncle help us a lot in those days in which we didn't have for food and shelter then as years pass my mom and dad find jobs and started to have money for a house and food. My brothers and I assisted to a school in which we were separated  according to the country of which we were. My family and I pass through a lot of discrimination including to find jobs, for studying and people in the streets make fun of us just for not having the same accent of New Yorkers.

My dad Simone, my mom Berenice, my uncle Gaspare, my borther Lucio,
my baby sister Matilde and I(Irene). Our family.
         Entering to the United States for better opportunities was difficult and good at the same time. I like the U.S because as family and in a economical way we became grater. I wish nobody has to pass through the same I had and that people can understand why we did  it. Also I wish american people could treat us equally as we are.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Italians journey to America!

    In the early 1800,there was little immigrants form Italy in the United Sates, after few years later the number of Italians immigrants in the U.S increase a lot. Italians immigrated to the states for better job opportunities and to escape low wages and high taxes.Looking for money at first was very difficult for Italians.

   They use to shine shoes, rag-picking, sewer cleaning, and whatever it could gave them money to survive. Also another method was prostitution. Italians use to settled in the U.S according to their origins and of where they came from Italy. Their conditions of living were not easy and good since they were overcrowded. They had to save the little money they have for their families for food and their utilities. Years later new Italians generations disappeared the poor conditions and dirtiness of Italians in the U.S. Italians suffered a lot in the U.S trying to have better opportunities of living for there families.

    It is very sad to know how people only for trying to have a better life they are worst than what they were in their country. In my opinion the government needs to give better opportunities of living for families in many different countries to avoid illegal immigrants in the United States. :)
