Thursday, February 10, 2011

Italians journey to America!

    In the early 1800,there was little immigrants form Italy in the United Sates, after few years later the number of Italians immigrants in the U.S increase a lot. Italians immigrated to the states for better job opportunities and to escape low wages and high taxes.Looking for money at first was very difficult for Italians.

   They use to shine shoes, rag-picking, sewer cleaning, and whatever it could gave them money to survive. Also another method was prostitution. Italians use to settled in the U.S according to their origins and of where they came from Italy. Their conditions of living were not easy and good since they were overcrowded. They had to save the little money they have for their families for food and their utilities. Years later new Italians generations disappeared the poor conditions and dirtiness of Italians in the U.S. Italians suffered a lot in the U.S trying to have better opportunities of living for there families.

    It is very sad to know how people only for trying to have a better life they are worst than what they were in their country. In my opinion the government needs to give better opportunities of living for families in many different countries to avoid illegal immigrants in the United States. :)


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